Опубликована и доступна книга по одному из важных разделов биополитики -- сетевым структурам как междисциплинарному понятию, приложимому к биосистемам, техническим устройствам, человеческому социуму. Ниже дается информация о книге и резюме на английском языке.
A book on one of the major subfields of biopolitics, network structures, is finally available. Network structures are based on interdisciplinary concepts, which are applicable to biological and technical systems as well as to human society. The following is the information concerning the book and its summary in English.
Alexander V. Oleskin. (2014). Network Structures in Biological Systems and in Human Society. Haupauge (New York): Nova Science Publishers.
This book focuses on network structures in biological systems and in h
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